I went and saw the
Twilight movie again last night. Yes, again. I throughly enjoyed it both times and though its has it's fair share of cheesy moments (there are some very corny scenes that could have been cut and if they had a bit of a higher budget maybe some other small corrections could be made), but overall I enjoy the film. It's not the greatest film ever made or anything but it is a purely enjoyable teen romance film. The books were sappy (and I love them, so get over it to anyone who declares themselves more intelligent for not reading them. Your probably just scared to read them because you know you'll like them) so it's not a big surprise the movie was too. I'm not writing to review it or anything because I don't really care to. I enjoyed the film clearly enough to see it twice.

To round off my "non review" I would just like to add that Rob Pattinson is gorgeous (he plays Edward in the film) and I would go see him in any movie! Yup, I'm basically even with the thirteen year old shrieking girls, but isn't that what Twilight turns us all into? The above picture of Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (she plays Bella) is an outtake from a Vanity Fair article and currently my desktop pattern. Enjoy feeling like a thirteen year old girl.
he's in the goblet of fire.
I know, I own that on DVD. I'm such a nerd.
sooo good..I forced elise to promise that she would come see it with me again...
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