As I come in my co-worker goes, "You are an hour and a half early." Which was odd because I wasn't and then apparently the schedule changed and no one told me. If you change the work schedule typically I would say it is good etiquette to call and inform the employ of the schedule change. I do check my schedule for any changes when I am there, but considering I am not there Monday through Wednesday I can't exactly always know what's going on! It was okay because I was early, but what if it happened again and I got a call saying why aren't you at work and I had no idea! That freaks me out. I hate being late and I hate being unprepared.
I was given the option of going home and coming back when my shift started (which was supposed to be an hour and a half later). If I went back home though it would take me 30 minutes to walk back and then 30 minutes to turn around and walk back to work. Other option was I could stay and work until closing and just work 10 hours. Given I could use the money I went for that option.
For some reason that day the topic of all employee conversations was boyfriends and I wanted to gag. Every single girl that works there wants to talk about their boyfriends and how happy they are, blah, blah, blah. Yes I am a bit cynical and bitter about the whole thing but if I have to hear one more time, "No One by Alicia Keys is the song we are going to play at our wedding." I am going to scream. Occasionally I will contribute by saying candid remarks such as, "That's great that you know that when you have been dating 3 months." I realize I don't have a boyfriend so that bitterness come up anyways, but even when I did I NEVER talked about that kind of shit. I didn't even talk about my relationships much period. Why does everyone always want to share every detail about this stuff?? It's like they are determined to force the whole world to see how stupidly happy they are. I get it, your happy and I think that's great, especially if your boyfriend is a legit good guy (if not it's worse because all I can think then is why are you dating this guy??). However, I don't need to spend 10 hours hearing about it.
Ended up working until closing and we closed but these two women were still there and would not leave! We can't ask people to leave either and these women wanted to try on everything in the whole store.

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