Lost Vegas Tee: It's from Urban Outfitters and I happen to like pre- deconstructed clothing items. A shirt with holes and yet another saying shirt. I also love heathered grey shirts.

Bow Shirt: It's just an American Apparel Deep V-Neck shirt that has a screen print of a bow on it, but I like the design. Found it on Etsy.com and it's the designer/user rubyslippers. Worth supporting independent artists!
Annie Hardy is an aquaintence of mine. She's in a band with my ex boyfriend, Max. It's called Giant Drag. She has the dirtiest mouth I've ever heard in my life. If you wear a shirt with her face on it, I'm going to lose it. In a bad way
I couldn't remember the band's name, but yeah that's it. I know who Max is since you have mentioned him. Weird weird! Well, now I can't have it can I? Make a shirt with your face on it, I'll buy it. :)
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