I was never a Gap fan as it were, but I had a friend that pretty much only shopped there and I remember going there with her to spend her Christmas gift cards for the Gap every year. Pretty sure her grand mother only ever got her Gap gift cards if the gift was to be related to clothes in any way. Gap was known for it's classic, clean, and preppy styles and for my friend that seemed pretty spot on so I would say it usually met her needs. She doesn't shop there much any more in recent years, but as their quarterly losses show each year she isn't the only one who doesn't shop there much anymore. Gap has had a few wins with me though; remember that Madonna and Missy Elliot ad campaign that ran a few years ago? The one put to the Hollywood song by Madonna? Well, I just remember loving those jeans and I went to the Gap and bought some and I adored them for quite a long time so yeah, the Gap has had some successes even with me.

The other day though I saw a sign that the Gap might just turn it around. I haven't even considered buying something from the Gap in years, but I was reading the latest copy of Harper's Bazaar and looking at the cover story photo shoot with Lindsay Lohan and found myself liking one of her outfits. I checked the credits for what she was wearing (usually all these items are designer and priced in the thousands or says the infamous "price on request", but it's always fun to look). To my surprise one of the items was by the Gap! This was amazing to me and now I feel the need to say props to the Gap. Even though it was only a wife beater, it still found it impressive that it was by the Gap. Also, not all wife beaters look the same and I liked the cut. They got me thinking I should go in the Gap and maybe check their stuff out. Last time I went in there I wasn't drawn in at all (my style choices don't really match their style usually), but looks like changes are being made. Not related to the Gap, but the denim shorts though a basic as well are by Guess and not a designer. Props to Harper's Bazaar for mixing it up by featuring both designer and lower end pieces. I am very strongly considering subscribing now.
Oh and just for fun (and some dramatics):
I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I dream about you, honestly
Tell me that it's over
Cause if the world is spinning and I'm Still living
It won't be right if we're not in it together
Tell me that it's over
Tell me that it's over
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